Did you forget Valentine’s Day is this Sunday?
Not to worry, we have you covered with an assortment of Husker themed valentines. There are a dozen to chose from and dare we say they are perfect for expressing your true feelings to your Big Red sweetheart.
Feel free to poach whatever valentines you like… right click, screenshot, whatever floats your boat. You can also find a gallery on the Big Red Fury Facebook page that is perfect for sharing.
There’s no bolder move than chucking up a #YOLObomb when you only need three yards. If you want to go big this Valentine’s Day, Tommy Armstrong has you covered.
Jordan Westerkamp is a receiver, get it? Yes, this is our version of the Choo-Choo Chose Me.
And while you’re here, check out our new Westerkamp highlight reel.
Perfect for when Cupid steals your heart… or your bike.
Michael Rose-Ivy’s valentine will hit you like 1/8th of a ton of bricks.
Remember that time Mikale Wilbon actually got to play and he looked really good?
Vincent Valentine is ready to help you erase any doubts about commitment issues and let your boo know that you’re in it for the long haul.
This digital Valentine was made with all-natural, allergen-free pixels.Â
Unlike Nate Gerry, you won’t get ejected for delivering this fierce, yet perfectly legal valentine.Â
Step aside Cupid, Thunderleg Foltz is delivering this one.
It’s not stalking if you know it’s true destiny.
Sorry, Tommie. We had to do it.
Relationships are a tricky business and sometimes there’s a person you just can’t quit.