Happy Monday everyone!
Here’s a quick rundown of selected rage tweets and other delights from Husker fans who woke up still feeling a little raw about what happened at Illinois on Saturday.
Mind boggling to think 5 years ago the #Huskers were ranked 5th in the country. FIFTH. I took that time for granted, that's for sure.
— Parker Cyza (@ParkerCyza) October 5, 2015
Wait… this really happened? Maybe in an alternate universe.
@Huskers maybe we out to try having some or our offensive players get player of the week, instead of special team players
— A-TEAM AB™ (@AB3418) October 5, 2015
.@Huskers social media team also having a down week. #SppecialTeams https://t.co/53ynyahRdm
— Drew Clausen (@dmclausen) October 5, 2015
While typo police are usually more annoying than gluten-free people, this is a great find. Could it have been a subtle dig at the short bus crowd with a little stutter built-in to special teams? More than likely it was just the work of someone who had five minutes to put a graphic together while dealing with their typical Monday madness. We say they d-d-deserve a b-b-break.
The adage "there's a lot of football left" used to be reassuring. Now it's ominous. #huskers
— DannyMoe (@danmoser1961) October 5, 2015
Well, this is certainly a loaded statement.
But it reading about it after the fact always hurts so good.
Do any of you have a good hookup for Minnesota Gophers football tickets? I need 4 for the #Huskers game.
— Erin Sorensen (@erinsorensen) October 5, 2015
Wait… you can’t just get press credentials for everyone in your party?
@damonbenning i knew the huskers were in trouble when i seen Alex Lewis and another O-line men at the horseshoe casino last wednsday night
— Roc'r (@Jrockss1) October 5, 2015
@Jrockss1 What?
— Damon Benning (@damonbenning) October 5, 2015
Can someone please check Alex Lewis’ check-ins on Swarm?
How can a coach succeed when players cant get over Bo? The tweets by players saying they Bolieve? Poison culture. #Huskers @SharpandBenning
— Todd Koozer (@ToddKoozer) October 5, 2015
#GBR http://t.co/mrnRBXKhQb
— Sara Wiebold (@wieblewobbles) October 5, 2015
Golly gee whiz Husker coach is a nice guy Meanwhile @&$!?$& Bo is winning &"$;$)@ games #Huskers
— Tom Hadly (@pr0j3ctmayh3m) October 5, 2015
There are 35 teams in #CFB averaging 200 yds rushing per game. So strange to see #Huskers & #Badgers not among them.
— Jason Horowitz (@HorowitzJason) October 5, 2015
This is a depressing statistic.
If my Netflix queue was the #Huskers' season so far, it would be all crappy sequels.
— John Jordan
(@JBJ51Merc) October 5, 2015
Hey man, Danny Glover tried his best to carry Arnold’s mantle in Predator 2.
We have had far 2 many Mondays like this one since Tom left. So rarely have we felt that the Scers were on the upswing #juatsayin #Huskers
— Neo (@tdub20301) October 5, 2015